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Kereon AG


Since 2002 Kereon's mission is to support efficiently customers regarding Quality Management for both automation and embedded systems as well as for IT-systems and IT-infrastructure.

Services are delivered according to the current healthcare regulatory expectations, by building upon existing industry good practice and international recommendations such as advocated by the GAMP® Community of Practice (COP) as well as by PIC/S and ICH.

Kereon AG is the result of an ambitious and demanding vision: to be a significant and reliable compliance "seamark" for its customers who would like to meet regulatory requirements and to comply with quality standard.

Additionally to its Competence Network, Kereon AG maintains partnerships with PCA - Pharmaceutical Consulting Alliance.

Web Site

If you wish to get further information about the origin of the company's name or if you are looking for information concerning the lighthouse Kéréon, you should take a loook on the Lighthouse topic".

Remark: On this site, all mentioned dates are represented according to the ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).


To contact the webmaster

Last update: 2020-01-25

© Copyright 2002-2020; all rights reserved by Kereon AG